Honey Bear Cabins

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Rental Agreement

The following agreement apply to the rental of the property through Honey Bear Cabins. The Guests/Renter and each and every adult member in the booking (“Guest”/“Guests”) jointly and severally agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions.


Guests understand that the Homeowners are not responsible for any personal injury caused by slipping on wet pavement or surfaces and that Guests are responsible for exercising care when surfaces are wet or slippery due to weather or use of hoses to wash down areas, and further, that the homeowners are not responsible for any personal injury or loss or damage to Guests’ property caused directly or indirectly from foul, inclement weather conditions, Acts of God or nature, failure of heat, accidents related to fire, heaters, stoves, Guests’ failure to take adequate precautions around wet areas, or any unforeseeable circumstances. Under no circumstances will Guests or their Guests hold the Owners of the Rental responsible for any damages or claims of any kind resulting from their stay, except for intentional acts of harm. This agreement and disclaimer apply to the main Guest and all Guests at the Guests’ party.