Honey Bear Cabins

Honey Bear Cabins Logo

Fun & Games House Manual

Address & Directions:

We will send you the address and directions just prior to check-in. Be sure to fill out the registration form well in advance to avoid delays.

Lock Info:

The lock for the door is an Electronic Keypad Deadbolt Lock. You can enter the code in the keypad and press the lock button to unlock the door. For locking up, press the lock button on the keypad to engage the deadbolt to lock the door. Check that it locks behind you.

Wifi Password:

Please add following Network to your devices to enjoy WiFi.

Network Name: NETGEAR48

Password: thirstystreet618

You can scan the following QR code to do the same

Red Bank Wifi


We have parking for 2 to 3 cars. Feel free to park ordinary passenger vehicles (only).

If you want to save these instructions please view/download this document

Check-Out Procedure:

Our cleaning fee is based on a “courteous guest,” thus if this procedure is followed we will not need to charge anything extra:

  1. All dishes you used should be washed and cleaned. Please note that pots and pans should be washed by hand, not in the dishwasher.
  2. Place all your trash in the garbage cans in the home.
  3. There is no need for you to strip the beds, so please leave the bedding on the bed when you leave. Place all dirty towels in one place. The cleaning staff will come and finish up the rest.
  4. Close and lock all doors and windows.
  5. Inform us if anything in the cabin needs attention or if the cleaning staff should be aware of anything before coming over. If we missed something we apologize and will fix it for next time.

Items we provide:

Towels, linens, bedding, toilet paper, paper towels soap, shampoo. In the kitchen, we have cookware, pots, pans, and dishes, silverware, grill tools. We also have a drip coffee maker, microwave, instapot, and toaster for your convenience. Feel free to consume whatever is in the pantry or fridge. We may not have coffee on hand, so please plan to bring what you like. We do not have ice or an ice maker currently.


You are in bear country so be very careful not to throw any trash on the decks or outside of the home that bears can rummage through. Try to keep your trash in the kitchen garbage can, the cleaners will take it out.

Heating/Air Conditioning:

This unit does not have central heat & air conditioning however it is quite comfortable year-round due to being a partial basement. We do have fans in each room and a window AC.

Supply Closet:

If you are curious, we have a supply closet in the pantry that is reserved for the cleaners. We keep extra sheets, towels, and paper/cleaning products in the supplies. Please do not open this closet. We need some private space in the home to service the home and guests. Thank you.

Bear Safety:

Do not leave any food or aromatic substances in your car or bears will break in and cause damage to your vehicle. Bears are common at night in the area.. Please play it safe. Please check here for more info: https://honeybearcabins.com/bear-safety/